Jepson Bolton's International Catalogue


  • Kipp & Zonen models BD111/112 recorder

    Single and dual channel recorders designed for laboratory and production use. The units are an attractive flatbed design and have a high response speed Features include the 'home' function mode for pen reset, and the 'grid' control which enables the pen to be positioned exactly on the paper grid. The physical distance between the pens of a dual channel recorder may cause a shift in the time axis plot. This can make comparisons between recorded signals difficult. To compensate for this distance between the pens a 'Pen Offset Compensation' module can be fitted.


      Input ranges             1 to 20mV in 14 calibrated steps (1-2-5)
      Response time            <5 to 95% FS) < 0 3%
      Accuracy                 > 0 3%
      Chart paper              25m rolls according to DIN16230
      Chart speeds             0 1, 0 2, 0 5, 1, 2, 5, 10,
                               20mm/min or mm/sec
      Dimensions I x w x h     90 x 380 x 290 mm
      Weight                   3.5 kg
      Electrical requirements  240V 50Hz

    Ordering information
    R24-200 - Chart recorder, single channel model BD111. Supplied complete with 6 fibre tip pens and 1 chart roll - £999.00
    R24-202 - Chart recorder dual channel model BD112 Supplied complete with 6 fibre tip pens and 1 chart roll - £1545.00

  • Accessories

    R24-212 -  Pen off-set compensation module. Perchannel      £145.00
    R24-214 -  Chart rolls, leftzero. Pack of 10                £35.00
    R24-216 -  Chart rolls, rightzero. Pack of 10               £35.00
    R24-220 -  Fibre tip pens Red. Pack of 6                    £14.00
    R24-222 -  Fibre tip pens, Blue. Pack of 6                  £14.00
    R24-224 -  Fibre tip pens, Green. Pack of 6                 £14.00
    R24-226 -  Fibre tip pens, Black. Pack of 6                 £14.00
    R24-230 -  Fibre tip pens for second channel of BD112. Red. Pack of 5  £16.00

  • X Y Recorders Kipp & Zonen models BD90/91

    Kipp A full A3 format XY/t recorder designed for use with individual sheets of paper. Single and dual channel models with special mechanical and electronic construction ensure a high pen response and accurate translation of input signals. Electronic signal limiters protect the recorder from off scale input signals and eliminate wear and electronic damage. Easy exchange of paper is facilitated by the indicating LED's and carriage stand-by' position combined with the electrostatic paper grip.

    The recorders are supplied complete with pre-amplifier input modules, sensitivity SOuV/cm to 5V/cm (2 for BD90 and 3 for BD91). A time base module is available as an accessory, and when plugged into the basic frame, allows a selection ot 18 speeds. Sweep accuracy is guaranteed by a crystal oscillator. A remote control facility is also available as an additional option.


      Writing format            A3 or A4 internal switch setting
      Writing area              380 x 250 mm
      Pen lift                  Electrical: internal or external (option)
      Writing system            Disposable fibre tipped pen
      Slewing speed 'X'         140 cm/s
      Slewing speed 'Y'         140 cm/s
      Input                     Floating asymmetrical
      Range                     50mV/cm (X and Y)
      Inaccuracy (including
      non-linearity, dead zone
      and range)                0 2% max
      Dimensions lxwxh          556 x 483 x 131 mm
      Weight                    12 kg
      Electrical requirement    240V 50Hz
      Ordering information
      R24-300 - XY recorder model BD90, basic instrument complete with pre-amplifiers but without time base and remote control unit - £3280.00
      R24-302 XYY recorder model BD91, basic instrument complete with pre-amplifiers but without time base and remote control unit £4400.00

    • Accessories

        R24-314  Time base module 50min/cm to 0 05 sec/cm     £217.00
        R24-316  Remote control unit for penlifVmotor drive   £104.00
        R24-320  Rack mounting kit 19"                        £72.00
        R24-322  Attenuator unit100:1                         £64.00
        R24-324  Shunt 0 to 20mA                              £64.00
        R24-326  Shunt 4 to 20mA                              £64.00
        R24-220  Fibre tip pen Red Pack of 6                  £14.00
        R24-222  Fibre tip pen Blue Packof6                   £14.00
        R24-224  Fibre tip pen Green. Pack of 6               £14.00
        R24-226  Fibre tip pen Black. Pack of 6               £14.00
        R24-230  Fibre tip pen for Y' axis. Pack of 6         £16.00
        R24-350  Graph paper A3. Pack of 100 sheets           £12.00

      * To request further information please Email
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